The present conditions of sale are concluded on the one hand by SILVER’ LANDES whose head office is Which occurred ocean 40550 Leon, registered with and the company trade register of DAX under the number 49877355500020 hereafter called “SILVER’ LANDES” and on the other hand, by any person physics or morals wishing to proceed to a purchase via the website of SILVER’ LANDES ( hereafter called :the purchaser
The present conditions of sale aim at defining contractual relations between SILVER’LANDES and the purchaser and conditions applicable to any purchase performed by meansof the commercial site of SILVER’ LANDES, that the purchaser is professional or consumer.
The acquisition of a good or of a service across the present site implicates an acceptanceunconditionally by the purchaser of the present conditions of sale.
These conditions of sale will predominate over all other general terms or particular notexpressly recognised by SILVER’ LANDES.
SILVER’ LANDES saves itself to be able to change his conditions of sale any time. In thatcase, applicable conditions will be those in force in the date of order by the purchaser.
Characteristics of property and offered services
Given Services are those who appear in the site of SILVER’ LANDES
These services are given within the limits of available funds.
The prices of the Courts of Surfing and of stay appearing on the Internet site are net pricesin euro not taking into account of VAT which is not applicable on education.
SILVER’ LANDES saves itself to change its prices any time, however heard that the pricerepresenting on the site the day of order will be the only one applicable to the purchaser.
The purchaser, who wants to make an inscription owes inevitably:
- fill the chip of inscription on which he will point out all asked co-ordinates;
- validate its reservation having proved it;
- perform the payment in envisaged conditions;
- confirm his order and his regulations.
The confirmation of order draws away acceptance of present conditions of sale, recognitionto have improved it knowledge and the renunciation to boast its own conditions of purchaseor other conditions.
All given data and recorded confirmation will be worth proof of transaction. Confirmationwill be worth signature and acceptance of performed operations.
SILVER’ LANDES will announce by email confirmation of recorded reservation.
Modalities of payment
A cheque d`arrhes of 30 % sums of benefit is owed in reservation.
Payments will be performed by cheque, drawn up in the order of “DELAVAL Mathieu”.
The count of the purchaser will be debited dices reception of its payment, which it will havesent by post at following address:
Avenue of the ocean
40550 LEON
At the request of the purchaser, he will be addressed to him a bill on paper.
SILVER’ LANDES, in the process of online sale, is kept only by an obligation of means; itsresponsibility will not be able to be hired for a damage resulting from the use of Internetnetwork such as loss of data, intrusion, virus, break of service, or other involuntaryproblems.
Intellectual property
All elements of the site of SILVER’ LANDES are and remain the intellectual and exclusiveproperty of SILVER’ LANDES.
Nobody is authorised to reproduce, to exploit, to repeat, or use whatever title it is, evenpartly, elements of the site as they are software, visual or sound.
Any simple link or by hypertext is strictly forbidden without an express written agreementof SILVER’ LANDES.
Given to personal character
In accordance with the law relating to computer science, to files and to freedom of January6th, 1978, information with character of names relating to the purchasers will be able tomake the object of an automated treatment.
SILVER’ LANDES reserves the right to collect information on the purchasers including byusing cookies, and, if he wishes it, to transmit collected information to business partners.
The purchasers can oppose to the disclosure of their co-ordinates by signalling it to SILVER’LANDES. Also, the users have a right of access and of correction of data concerning them, inaccordance with the law of January 6th, 1978.
SILVER’ LANDES will archive the chips of inscription and the bills on a reliable and lastingsupport constituting a faithful copy in accordance with the dispositions of the article 1348of the Civil code.
The computerised registers of SILVER’ LANDES will be considered by parts to be proof ofcommunications, orders, payments and transactions intervened between parts.
Regulations of litigations
The present conditions of online sale are subjected to French law.
In case of litigation, competence is allocated in the courts of competent jurisdiction of Paris,nonwithstanding defendants’ multiplicity or call in guarantee.
The inscription in one of the benefits surfing introduced on our Internet site implicatesknowledge and acceptance of general terms and particular specified below.
Any inscription at the school of Surfing will be made from an available form on Internet orgiven by Silver’ moors, who will have to be duly supplemented by the parents or lawfulguardians if it is about a miner, or by the interested person if it is about a major person.
Any reservation made by Internet will be taken into account after remittance of a chequed`arrhes of 30 % sums of courts. And any reservation made on the spot will be real afterremittance of the sum of Courts. The order of any payment by cheque is “DELAVAL MATHIEU”.
Cancellation of Cours:
In case of bad meteorological conditions (storm, lack of waves, too strong sea, pollution,red flag), the courts of Surfing or Bodyboard which will not be able to be performed will be:
replaced by activities of substitution (bodysurf, bodyboard, stand up paddle)
put back at some future date.
In case of withdrawal on behalf of the pupils for various reasons (illness, etc), no lesson willbe able to be reimbursed.
Responsibility of or monitor (s):
One will take care by one or several monitor (s) dices the beginning of their courts of thetrainees. They will be again under the supervision of their parents or lawful guardians at atime of the end of their courts.
The civil liability of the school concerning its pupils ceases outside these hours.
The parents will have to make sure, before leaving their children in the monitors of SILVER’LANDES where lesson well takes place.
The school is not responsible for flights of personal objects dealers for the duration oflessons.
SILVER’ LANDES signed a contract of insurance n ° nearby, guaranteeing the Civil liabilityand answering the obligations of Insurance envisaged by law n ° 84-610 of changed7/16/1984 and the decree n°93392 of changed 3/18/1993.
Commitment of structure:
The school frees from any responsibility in case of not respect for left luggage offices ofSecurity of Monitors.
The necessary equipment (combinations, boards) will be given to the trainees during thehours of Courts.
Commitment of the pupils:
By registering in the school of Surfing «SILVER’ LANDES», the trainees under 18 and theirparents accept risks linked to the practice of the Surfing in the normal conditions ofpractice.
The trainee is responsible for the equipment of the school for the duration of courts. In caseof deterioration, the equipment will be repaired, depending on circumstances, payable bythe trainee or reimbursed on the value of purchase (to negotiate).
Transport of the trainees
(in case of use of a vehicle as part of offered benefits)
The School of Surfing promises to assure the transport of the trainees respectingregulations in force:
tenured drivers of the necessary licence
cover of insurance of the vehicle
respect for the number passengers’ maximum
clean vehicle and undamaged (compulsory revisions)
The inscription in one of the benefits surfing introduced on our Internet site implicatesknowledge and acceptance of general terms and particular specified below.
Any inscription in the Surfing Camp will be made from an available form on Internet orgiven by Silver’ Landes, who will have to be duly supplemented by the parents or lawfulguardians if it is about a miner, or by the interested person if it is about a major person.
Any reservation made by Internet will be taken into account after remittance of a chequed`arrhes of 30 % sums of stay. And any reservation made on the spot will be real afterremittance of the sum of internship. The order of any payment by cheque is “DELAVALMATHIEU”.
Cancellation due to the client:
Various reasons can prevent the client from performing stay in date envisaged, cancellationwill be subject to conditions fixed below:
Any cancellation on behalf of the trainee happening less than 30 days before the date of thebeginning of internship draws away the loss of the sum of deposits in aid ofSILVER`LANDES. Any cancellation of the internship happening 30 days before the date ofthe beginning of internship draws restitution away to his owner of deposits put down.
Not presentation and / or renunciation of the stay equivalent to a cancellation, andentrainera the total remittance of stay.
In case of cancellation after inscription, SILVER’ LANDES will apply the present conditionsof cancellation for each of stays.
It is compulsory to tell us in writing about any cancellation or modification withacknowledgement of receipt.
In case of independent external events of the will, SILVER’ LANDES reserves the right tochange benefits and prices of stays or to cancel stays.
In that case the client will have the possibility of cancelling his stay without that is appliedthe conditions of cancellations. Deposits paid as stay will then be completely reimbursed.
In that case, the client will be informed at the latest 15 days before the date of thebeginning of stay.
Transport of the trainees:
(in case of use of a vehicle as part of offered benefits)
The School of Surfing promises to assure the transport of the trainees respectingregulations in force:
tenured drivers of the necessary licence
cover of insurance of the vehicle
respect for the number passengers’ maximum
clean vehicle and undamaged (compulsory revisions)
Tourism tax:
According to texts in force, you must pay off a tourism tax included in rates announced by SILVER’ LANDES.
Obligation of the participant in the frame d`un stay with accommodation and sports activities annexes:
As part of his stay the participant or taker will have to conform from the outset in pleasure of his accommodation to the internal regulations and general terms of the hébergeur.
Except the courts of surfing, the trainee in the possibility of using the equipment(shortboard, longboard, bodyboard). He surfing then under its own responsibility,regarding himself, third parties and regarding the equipment which was entrusted to him,in knowledge of its level and of possible risks linked to currents, tides, weather forecast.The reconnait trainee implicitly to have sufficient technical competence to use alone the equipment put in disposition.
In case of breakage, of or of loss of the equipment of surfing except the courts of surfing,the trainee will see his hired civil liability.
SILVER`LANDES’s obligation in the frame d`un stay with accommodation and spotivesactivities annex:
SILVER’ LANDES promises to give pleasure to the participant the day of entrance the internalregulations and the general terms of the hébergeur.
Act of vandalism and stealing:
SILVER’ LANDES declines any responsibility in the acts of vandalism or of any flight made by aparticipant for the duration of stay. D` a general way we disadvise to the participating to take valuables during their stay.